Jun 9, 2019

Three Healthy Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

Three Healthy Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

Dehydrated SkinDo you have a dull and dry skin that feels tight and painful?

You can spend thousands of dollars on beauty products, stick to a strict organic skincare regime and do yoga every morning – but you will still get bad skin if you are dehydrated.

Water keeps toxins flushing on out of your body, and it also helps carry nutrients to wherever they are needed.

We all saw those adverts telling us to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and perhaps, felt a bit bored at the thought of doing it.

Luckily, since then the health authorities have said that it does not have to be glasses of plain cold water, just as long as you get around 2 liters of the stuff into your body somehow:

Hot, Hearty Soup

Water is a main ingredient of soup, which has to be one of the most versatile meals around.

Light lunch on a hot day, or warming supper on a cold night, it is packed with easily digested nutrients.

Home-made soup is best because the ingredients will be fresh, therefore still containing most of their vitamins and minerals, and you can see exactly what goes in there.

It is much easier than you might expect, too.

For a bowl of quick vegetable soup, just melt some butter, gently cook your chopped veggies in it for about 10 minutes, then add 4 glasses of stock.

Bring to the boil, then simmer until everything is tender.

You can blend it for a smooth soup, or leave it chunky if you enjoy that rustic effect.

If domesticity is not your thing, there are plenty of soups you can buy.

Canned soup has a reputation for being salty, but is alright once in a while.

There are lots of nice fresh soups in the ready-meals aisle.

Herbal Tea

Regular tea and coffee are not so great for your skin because they contain caffeine, which makes your skin produce extra oil.

They often contain milk and sugar, too, both of which can cause skin problems.

Herbal teas used to be quite limited, but now come in so many different flavors that it is hard not to find one you enjoy.

If you own a teapot, you can even make herbal tea using the regular cooking herbs in your store-cupboard or garden – a teaspoon of dried sage makes a lovely pick-me-up, while a sprig of fresh mint produces a delicious Moroccan-style infusion.

How to get rid of dry skinTick-Tock 

It is easy to forget the important small things when you are busy – working through lunch, or stuck into a great project.

If you tend to neglect yourself when you are focused on something else, take some time to consciously create good hydration habits that will be easy to maintain when you are back in the thick of things.

They say it takes four weeks to make a new habit – that is certainly true if you remember to do it every day for a month, until it becomes second nature.

To make this easier, set an alarm, on your phone or PC, to go off every hour.

When it goes off, drink some water or herbal tea.

This may sound daft to someone who is always counting the minutes to their next tea-break, but some of us genuinely get so absorbed in our work that we forget to take care of ourselves and our dry skin!

How do you stay hydrated and keep your skin looking young and healthy?