Jun 11, 2019

Managing Addiction to Live Your Best Life

Managing Addiction to Live Your Best Life

Most of us desire to live the healthiest lives possible, but sometimes crippling addictions can get in the way of achieving optimum health.

You may be interested in changing your diet and exercising more, but if you’re struggling with a substance abuse addiction, it may be impossible to eat healthily and exercise until your addiction is under control.

Advanced Health and Education can help you learn some ways to cope with and manage addiction in your everyday life, so you can live the best life possible.

Here are a few ways to manage addiction: 

Find a Support System

If you are struggling with addiction, it may seem natural to isolate yourselves from the people who love you most, since they likely disapprove of your addiction.

The truth is that those who love you want the best for your life, so isolation from them is not a good idea.

Individuals who have gone through NJ prescription drug abuse treatment know that a strong support system is absolutely essential to healing and growth.

If you can’t confide in friends and family about your addiction, attend a neutral support group in your community to get the support you need.

Visit a Treatment  Center

NJ drug and alcohol treatment centers see many different types of people who struggle with addiction for various reasons.

The staff at a treatment center are typically full of grace and encouragement and want to see their clients succeed.

If you’re considering checking into a treatment center but are feeling concerned about it, meet with someone to discuss the problems you’re experiencing and get an expert opinion on how to overcome.

Identify Your Triggers

Chances are that your addiction is being caused by a deeper source of anxiety, pain, or concern.

Counselors at New Jersey alcohol treatment centers often meet with individuals who are going through addiction, because they are trying to cope with personal problems, choices, or things beyond their control.

It’s difficult to manage an addiction without recognizing the underlying issues that are triggering it.

Meet with a counselor to identify what some of those triggers may be, so you can be prepared for them.
How a Retirement Home Can Inspire a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

How a Retirement Home Can Inspire a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

What defines a retirement community as truly active?

What amenities, activities and events will inspire its inhabitants to get on their feet and get moving?

Being active is one of the essentials for living a happy, healthy life in a retirement home.

If you are looking at potential locations for your elderly loved ones, you’ll want to cross check the communities that turn up during your research with the information provided in this article.

Your research starts here.

Advantage #1: Exercise
A good, active retirement community will feature lots of weekly scheduled activities that involve the much-needed movement to keep the elderly in great shape.

Some of these activities can include line dance classes and beanbag baseball to name a couple.

The old adage of ‘use it or lose it’ most definitely applies here, so be sure to speak with the staff or management team about the weekly activities happening at any retirement home you are considering sending your loved ones to.

Advantage #2: Social Events
Having weekly scheduled social events is just as important as the exercising aspect of retirement living. Why?

Imagine an empty world without friends, family or… anyone. Anything you accomplish, create or experience would go unheard of and life would be very lonely.

Needless to say, human beings need social interaction with other human beings.

It is what makes us feel alive; sharing laughs and engaging in stimulating conversations with old and new friends.

When your elderly loved ones have a platform to meet new people and form new connections, it will really spice up their lives and will help them to get the most out of their retirement community living.

Some of the activities you can find on an active retirement home’s weekly schedule include:

Special holiday dinners
Poker, bingo and other game nights
Multiple classes that teach a wide range of new skills
Arts and craft shows 
Other live entertainment events
…and this is just a tip of the iceberg!

Be sure to always have a look at a retirement home’s month-long list of social events to gauge their level of activity before moving forward with registration.

Advantage #3: Delicious, Home-Cooked Meals in Retirement Home
One of the best advantages of an active retirement community is that you will often find a professional chef cooking three healthy, delicious meals per day.

There is no mistaking how important food and diet is when maintaining a healthy immune system. But this can be taken a step further with food that tastes good, providing positive feelings of taste bud satisfaction.

There is nothing worse than monotony when it comes to food.

Making sure the retirement community’s kitchen will keep its inhabitants guessing (and always excited to dig in) will ensure that your mum, dad or other loved one(s) will enjoy their elder years to the fullest.

When you combine all three advantages we’re covered in this article, you will have found yourself the ultimate retirement living facility. Happy hunting! 

Jun 10, 2019

Five Simple Tips For Staying Safe On The Road

Five Simple Tips For Staying Safe On The Road

Five Simple Tips For Staying Safe On The Road

Five Simple Tips For Staying Safe On The Road
In this Article

safetyPeople drive the whole year round and each season has its own array of dangers when it comes to the roads. In the winter you are faced with ice and snow. In the summer, you are faced with more travelers, severe storms, and even motorcycles.

While there are many side safety tips you need to know before you hit the road–like how looking twice can save a life–there are a few things that you may take for granted and not even think about when it comes to driving.

Some of these things you may just do out of habit, and some of them you may be forgetting. So here is a reminder of some of the most important basic safety tips when it comes to driving. Don’t forget to be aware, at all times, of what you are doing. It could save a life, including yours.

Wear Your Seat Belt

Seat belt use is considered to be one of the best ways to save your life in the event of a car accident. In fact, it seems that using this safety device can cut down the risk of serious injury by a half in the case of an accident.

It’s not just important that teens and children wear them, adults should lead by example. Also, make sure that younger children are in safety seats that are correctly out into the vehicle.

Don’t Be A Distracted Driver

Texting on your cell phone isn’t the only way to be a distracted driver. Anything that takes your eyes or attention away from the road is a distraction and has the potential to cause an accident. While you shouldn’t text, talk on the phone, or check your Facebook while driving, there are other things to avoid as well.

Don’t eat while driving, mess around with the radio, and don’t even be distracted by maps when you are behind the wheel. If you have children in the car, pull over if you need to turn and tell them to settle down or get back in their seat belts.
See The Big Picture to Stay Safe on the Road
Part of not being a distracted driver is ensuring that you see the big picture when you’re driving. Your focus should definitely not be on the things going on in your vehicle, aside from the gauges on your dashboard of course.

You need to be watching more than what’s on the road in front of you. If you are seeing all lanes of traffic and continually aware of the road you are on you will better be able to avoid an accident even if it’s another drivers fault.

Don’t Drink And Drive

It doesn’t matter if it’s buzzed driving or drunk driving, just don’t do it. Not only could you lose your license, have your car impounded, go to jail and be fined, but you could also injure or kill another person.

If you’ve been drinking, even if you are drunk it’s easier for you to be distracted. Always have a designated driver or take a cab when you’ve been out drinking.

Be An Insured Driver

Lastly, make sure you have the proper car insurance. Insuring your vehicle, however, isn’t the only insurance a driver needs. You need to be ensured that if something does happen you will be protected.

This is why it can be good to have some auto accident lawyers on your side. If you have an accident, your lawyer can help you deal with medical bills, court battles, and if you are at fault they may be even more important to you.

Before you even get in the driver’s seat, make sure that you are prepared. On top of the tips above you want to make sure you check your lights often, top off fluids under the hood, check your oil and make sure your tires have ample pressure.

If you follow these things, you’ll have a better chance for staying safe on the road wherever you are going.

Jun 9, 2019

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea
pregnancy tipsUnfortunately, during the pregnancy a lot of women feel depressed and uncomfortable.

They put on weight and in most of the cases the only thing they’re supposed to do is to stay at home and relax. However, there are many ways in which a pregnant woman can keep her body fit and healthy.

The most effective one is fitness and exercises.

But which pregnancy workout to choose? What sports are the best for you? Is it a bad idea to do some exercises?

And, the most important question – is pregnancy workout healthy for your baby? Here are some answers to these very important questions.

Before you decide to do some sport, the first thing you need to do is to consult with a doctor.

We know it sounds obvious, but it is very important to know whether your pregnancy condition allows you to do some exercises, or not. Otherwise you can put yourself and your baby in danger.

Physical exercises are actually quite beneficial for pregnant women. If done properly, they are  very healthy and  can help you get rid of the discomfort during this vulnerable period. Here are some of the most appropriate sports for pregnant women.

Pregnancy Workout Tips #1: Swimming

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea

swimming during pregnancy if you are pregnant, swimming is an excellent opportunity for you to cool off.

Especially in the summer, when the temperatures can be unbearable.

Also, it reduces the unpleasant pain in the back, helps you to reduce stress and is a great training for your body and heart.

Pregnancy Workout Tips #2. Walking

This is another good alternative to fitness during the pregnancy.

Take your spouse or  your best friend and you will be surprised of how relaxing it can be.

Walking at least 3 kilometers a day provides your body with oxygen; helps you put off some weight and also reduces the pressure and stress.

On the other hand, sunny walks can charge you with energy and positiveness for the whole day.

Pregnancy Workout Tips #3. Yoga

The Pregnancy Workout – Good Or Bad Idea

pregnancy workout is extremely  useful during the pregnancy. Doing some yoga exercises helps you relieve from the stress and pain, and increases the flexibility of your joints.

Also, yoga after birth helps you cope with postpartum depression.

Nevertheless, do not forget that all the yoga exercises have to be considered very carefully.

Otherwise, as we already mentioned, you can hurt yourself. In order to make sure that you’re doing the right exercises, you will have to find a proper yoga teacher or a coach.

No matter what type of fitness or exercises you choose, remember that you have to be very careful, because you are now responsible not only for yourself, but also for the little human being growing inside of you.

Very Inappropriate Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy
Underwater swimming – In this type of sport you are supposed to hold your breath, which is not very appropriate since it can cause dizziness or even some more serious consequences.
Riding a horse
Intensive aerobic workloads
Strength trainings
All these exercises are too dynamic and no matter how much fun they can be, you will have to forget about them.

They are inappropriate and unnecessarily loading.

Also, you mustn’t do any exercises when the weather is very hot or the humidity is too high.

Try to choose wisely the most appropriate sport for you and always trust your body signals.

If you suddenly feel pain, nausea, chills or you start bleeding, stop  and immediately consult with your doctor.

What kind of pregnancy workout do you use? Please share your tips with us!

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Fruits: Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing When Juicing?

Fruits: Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing When Juicing?

Fruits: Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing When Juicing?

Fruits: Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing When Juicing?

Are all fruits created equally? Can you have too much of a good thing? Which fruits are best? Let’s find out.

Fruits, generally, are good for you. But not all fruits are created equal.

While some have huge health benefits, others don’t pack quite the nutrient punch you might imagine.

Some are higher in calories and sugar but contain lots of nutrients, others are lower in sugars but also less rich in vitamins and minerals.

The nutrients, vitamins, sugars and calories in fruits differ hugely.

Here we have taken a look at five fruits that you should include in your juicing diet – but which should always be consumed in moderation.

Packed full of vitamin C, manganese, potassium, and thiamine, pineapples are undoubtedly rich in nutrients.

Not only that, they are also pretty great for your digestion too – thanks to the rare enzyme bromelain, which helps flush out excess in your digestive tract.

However, despite these clear health benefits pineapples are also brimming with sugar.

In fact, one cup of pineapple chunks can contain as much as 16 grams of sugar.

These sugars might be natural (fructose and glucose to be precise) but too much will see your insulin levels spiking.

Save this tangy fruit for a treat day or in small quantities to make one of those less tasty juices zing.

Mangoes are on the red list for diabetics and weight-watchers alike due to the high amount of sugar they contain. One mango can contain 31 grams of sugar on average.

And they’re fairly dense in calories and carbohydrates too. But on balance, it’s worth noting that mangoes are also filled with soluble fibre as well as vitamins C, A and B6.

Scientists have also suggested their store of phenolic and carotenoid compounds offer protection against several types of cancer.

So it’s not all bad. The sweet juice of a mango can be enjoyed every now and again, guilt-free – particularly when juiced with grapefruit (only 8 grams of sugar in each half).

Earlier this year Paignton Zoo in Devon announced they were mixing up the menu for their monkeys.

The chimps waved goodbye to their old favourite, bananas, and saw them replaced with leafy greens. So should you be doing the same?

The zookeepers claimed that bananas grown for human consumption are full of calories and sugar – and they’re not wrong there, with a medium banana containing around 14 grams of sugar.

But that doesn’t mean they should be avoided at all costs. They’re also filled with potassium and are easily digestible. Plus that sugary goodness can be a great boost before the gym!

Remember, though, that bananas don’t yield all that much juice so pair them with watermelon – made up of nearly 82 per cent water – to balance sugar levels and juiciness.

A small cup of grapes? No harm, no foul. But too much more and you could pushing it on the sugar, calories and carbs.

One cup has more than 27 grams of carbohydrates and almost 15 grams of sugar.

However, some grapes are worse sugar culprits than others.

White seedless grapes have the highest sugar content among the grape family.

While black grapes have a much lower GI level than their white and red cousins, meaning they enable better blood sugar balance and an improved regulation of insulin.

But no matter the colour, grapes in general can help to lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease so they’re not to be dismissed.

Blend them up with blueberries in a cold press juicer (click here to read more on cold press juicers) – centrifugal juicers can struggle to extract juice from soft berries and fruits – to get a good dose of antioxidants in there, too.

We wouldn’t dare dispute that age-old saying about an apple a day,particularly since they’ve been found to be full of dietary fibre and to regulate blood sugar.

However, their sugar levels are undeniably high. As Dr Norman Walker wrote in his book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices,

“Fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system, but the fruit should be ripe.

An apple a day will keep the doctor away, if we also eat plenty of other raw food. But fruits, with only three or four exceptions, should never be eaten during the same meal in which starches and sugars are included.”

One large apple can contain as much as 36 grams of carbohydrates on average – that’s the equivalent of 7 to 9 teaspoons of sugar.

Combining these with other sources of starch or sugars could be counter productive, if you are using apple juice as part of a weight loss plan.

Also, while apples may keep the doctor away, the same can’t necessarily be said for keeping your dentist at bay.

Going heavy on the apples and you will need to take a more vigorous approach to brushing your teeth to prevent decay.

As ever, moderation rules the roost. Balance your fruit intake correctly and your health will only see a turn for the better.

Vitality4Life have a great list of recipes for fruit juicing available here

What kind of fruits do you like to include in your juicing diet?

***If you like this article and find it useful, please feel free to share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ using floating social buttons bar on the left or simply leave a comment – you’ll make my day!
Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Amazingly Effective Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Amazingly Effective Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Amazingly Effective Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Every single one of us, who cares about healthy lifestyle and appearance, would like to have beautiful, strong and healthy hair.

Unfortunately due to a lot of different factors like:

1) stress
2) busy schedules and work overload
3) coloring and blow drying
4) hot or cold weather
5) lack of vitamins and nutrition
6) even genetics (!)
Our hair can become very dull, dry and fragile.
At times we can even experience its severe loss.
So what should we do in order to prevent or stop hair loss? 

Tip #1. Proper Nutrition

If healthy lifestyle is one of your priorities in life, I would start with proper nutrition.

It is crucial to increase your intake of foods rich in calcium, protein and iron.

Eat fresh vegetable and fruit snacks in abundance throughout the day and add a multivitamin to your daily diet.

I would recommend buying liquid vitamins since they are typically more natural than vitamins in a pill and get absorbed in your system much better.

Tip # 2. Eliminate or Reduce Your Daily Level of Stress

Avoid the situations when you can get stressed.

Practice relaxation and laughter therapy.

Get enough sleep that will improve your immune system and will help you to handle stress better.

Do one enjoyable thing a day for yourself.

Tip # 3. Weather Protection

When we go out in the sun in the heat of summer, we often forget that our hair can get significantly damaged by its exposure to UV rays.

Our hair can get affected by the brutally cold weather as well.

If you want to protect your hair from weather damage – simply wear a hat.

It’s also great idea to invest into an SPF enriched product for your hair to use in summer time.

Tip # 4. Cut Down on Your Everyday Beauty Arsenals

You know what I am talking about, right?

All those blow dryers, hair straighteners, curling irons, hair sprays and other harsh hair products that can severely damage your hair and even cause serious hair loss…

Use those for special occasions, but try to avoid using them daily to prevent your hair from weakening, dehydration and breakage.

Tip # 5 for Those Who Experience Serious Hair Loss

If it’s too late and your hair has been damaged dramatically, don’t despair.

There are gazillion products for hair loss on the market that are quite effective from specially designed shampoos and conditioners or protein enriched products to intense conditioning hair masks to give a boost to your weak and lifeless hair and stop hair loss.

What are your expert tips on how to keep your hair beautiful and healthy?
Three Healthy Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

Three Healthy Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

Three Healthy Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

Dehydrated SkinDo you have a dull and dry skin that feels tight and painful?

You can spend thousands of dollars on beauty products, stick to a strict organic skincare regime and do yoga every morning – but you will still get bad skin if you are dehydrated.

Water keeps toxins flushing on out of your body, and it also helps carry nutrients to wherever they are needed.

We all saw those adverts telling us to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and perhaps, felt a bit bored at the thought of doing it.

Luckily, since then the health authorities have said that it does not have to be glasses of plain cold water, just as long as you get around 2 liters of the stuff into your body somehow:

Hot, Hearty Soup

Water is a main ingredient of soup, which has to be one of the most versatile meals around.

Light lunch on a hot day, or warming supper on a cold night, it is packed with easily digested nutrients.

Home-made soup is best because the ingredients will be fresh, therefore still containing most of their vitamins and minerals, and you can see exactly what goes in there.

It is much easier than you might expect, too.

For a bowl of quick vegetable soup, just melt some butter, gently cook your chopped veggies in it for about 10 minutes, then add 4 glasses of stock.

Bring to the boil, then simmer until everything is tender.

You can blend it for a smooth soup, or leave it chunky if you enjoy that rustic effect.

If domesticity is not your thing, there are plenty of soups you can buy.

Canned soup has a reputation for being salty, but is alright once in a while.

There are lots of nice fresh soups in the ready-meals aisle.

Herbal Tea

Regular tea and coffee are not so great for your skin because they contain caffeine, which makes your skin produce extra oil.

They often contain milk and sugar, too, both of which can cause skin problems.

Herbal teas used to be quite limited, but now come in so many different flavors that it is hard not to find one you enjoy.

If you own a teapot, you can even make herbal tea using the regular cooking herbs in your store-cupboard or garden – a teaspoon of dried sage makes a lovely pick-me-up, while a sprig of fresh mint produces a delicious Moroccan-style infusion.

How to get rid of dry skinTick-Tock 

It is easy to forget the important small things when you are busy – working through lunch, or stuck into a great project.

If you tend to neglect yourself when you are focused on something else, take some time to consciously create good hydration habits that will be easy to maintain when you are back in the thick of things.

They say it takes four weeks to make a new habit – that is certainly true if you remember to do it every day for a month, until it becomes second nature.

To make this easier, set an alarm, on your phone or PC, to go off every hour.

When it goes off, drink some water or herbal tea.

This may sound daft to someone who is always counting the minutes to their next tea-break, but some of us genuinely get so absorbed in our work that we forget to take care of ourselves and our dry skin!

How do you stay hydrated and keep your skin looking young and healthy?
4 Reasons to Enter a Race, No Matter What Your Ability

4 Reasons to Enter a Race, No Matter What Your Ability

4 Reasons to Enter a Race, No Matter What Your Ability

Have you ever thought about entering a running race? It doesn’t have to be a serious, long-distance event.

There are more and more options available for the casual runner – events open to a broad spectrum from the committed five-times-a-week trainer to the wheelchair user with no previous experience of racing and the toddler that wants to run with a parent.

Here are four reasons why you should enter a race today:

They Can be Fun!
There are races for everyone. Even if you think of running as a form of torture – something that you were forced to do at school and haven’t done again since – you’ll find that a run with inflatable obstacles, paint powder points or muddy ponds to wade through will begin to change your perspective. You’ll get some great photographs, too.

Training is Great for Your Mental Health
No matter what your level of physical ability, you’ll be able to enjoy not just the race but your training in the months before the event.

Pull on your running shoes, or take your wheelchair out onto the local streets, and put your body through its paces.

You’ll learn that you can break through your barriers, pushing yourself and achieving new things, and will enjoy a sense of exhilaration that comes from going a little faster than yesterday, or traveling a little further.

If you’re an ‘I can’t’ person, then you’ll see your attitude change to an ‘I can’ alternative, with that new positive outlook spreading to other parts of your life.

Being out on a run is also great for clearing your head. Enjoy the silence with time to think about your life, come up with answers to your problems and block out all of your daily worries, or turn your music up loud and experience the joy that comes from some time alone to listen to your favourite songs at maximum volume.

Everyone is a Winner!
Don’t feel that you have to be a super-fit athlete to achieve something notable. Many of the more casual races (and some of the bigger major ones) celebrate every achievement with a medal that you can take home.

There will be members of staff or volunteers that are there to support the very last person as they make their way around the course, and the crowds that gather to watch will make every runner feel like a star.

You can even further your achievement by asking family and friends to sponsor you, so that each step you take is doing good for someone else.

When You Enter a Race – You are Improving Your Health
You don’t need to be a genius to understand that being active is good for your health.

If you can’t run, jog. If you can’t jog, walk. If you can’t walk, wheel around or ask someone to push your wheelchair whilst you do a little dance in your seat.

Going at your own pace will provide you with an opportunity to improve your fitness, without relying on others for your success.

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We hope to see you again. Check back later for the new updates to our Healthy Lifestyle Section of the Blog. There is so much more to come!